Lazy Habanero Pork Chops ( slow cooker) Bacon Green Beans & Creamy Bone Broth Mashed Potatoes (pressure cooker)

I made a sauce for this in the Vitamix, poured it over some good quality pork chops from our local organic pastured neighborhood farm.  We are so lucky to have this farm in our area.

This is a lazy meal but still homemade and delicious. The bone broth gives the potaotes and beans a real good home cooked taste.

Image may contain: food Pineapple Habanero Pork Chops
In the Vitamix,
eyeball it..
 2 cups frozen pineapple chunks,
1 habanero
two tablespoons of  habanero honey
one cup ketsup
half of a large yellow onion
granulated garlic (if you have fresh, use it, I didn't have any left)
whirl it in the Vitamix until its smooth
Pour it over the pork chops
Cook it in the slow cooker on low for 3 hours, high for two more and back to low for a bit, just because we weren't ready for dinner yet.

I use a lot of bone broth in my cooking because my acupuncturist wants us drinking it and my kids think I am nuts so I sneak it in their food.

Bacon Bone Broth Green Beans
For the green beans, I just cooked about a half cup of chopped raw bacon in a cast-iron skillet for about 5 minutes, added some bacon grease from prior bacon cooking, threw the green beans in it and cooked for about 5 minutes, added 1 cup bone broth and cooked, covered for another 5 minutes.

Pressure Cooker Creamy Bone Broth Mashed Potatoes
And I am a lazy mashed potato here is the ;411 on my lazy way of cooking them. If you are making them without bone broth use more milk.

into the pressure cooker (instant pot, whatever ya got, they are all the same)
1 bag potatoes, scrubbed
1 cup water

bone broth
sour cream (optional)

Cook on high pressure for 8-9 minutes. (if they are big go nine, they won't overcook)
dump water and back onto the keep warm setting of your pressure cooker

Add a splash of whole milk or cream, a big splash of bone broth, a sitck of butter chopped up and a wad of sour cream if you have it.  Use a hand masher and mash (you can use a hand mixer too if you prefer but I use the pampered chef mix and chop gadget and its a cinch to mash them by hand).  Add more bone broth or milk/cream to your liking, I don't measure so I am guestimating what I use)
Put the lid back on and they will stay hot and ready for when dinner is done.

Image may contain: food

PS. I get my habanero honey from this guy.
