Paleo PF Changs Asian Chicken Lettuce Wrap..or Salad! And a Paleo Walking Taco Substitute

Back in October, I started the paleo diet.  Years ago, when I heard of this "fad" I thought, how dumb, it just food...and it is. Nonetheless, its how I eat now and I love it.  I have more energy and lost my cellulite and excess weight...yes, I had it..just ask my husband.  I had learned to love beer and makes you fat!  So I gave it up and follow the paleo diet, also keeping track of my macros. I am a Diary Drinking Paleo Lifestyler, as we have a raw organic grassfed milk farmer in our neighborhood and its healthy stuff. 

I am always on the hunt for new recipes and those of you who know me, know that I don't follow directions so I read a few recipes and go to the kitchen and make it my way.  You do the same.  Make it your own. 

Oh and I found pouring it over a crunchy salad after heating it up, is much easier to eat than in a lettuce wrap. You do what you want...but I won't be trying to handle it anymore, I am too lazy for that.  If I don't have a eating vessel, a lettuce wrap will do, but most times, I have bowls handy. 

You could even make this into a Walking Asian Chicken wrap by putting it over some lettuce in a baggie. (just make sure its not too hot that it melts your baggie)  Try selling this at a work fund raiser for those who are into healthy eating, instead of walking tacos.  You could even use something like deli paper bags if you can find them at a restaurant store. 

PF Changs Knock Off Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Here is the quick of it.....

1 pound ground chicken or turkey
1 pound ground pork

Brown in a skillet

For the sauce:
in a medium bowl add:
8 T Tamari Sauce    
4 T almond butter
2 T blackstrap molasses 
4 T  white wine vinegar
4 T avocado oil
Whisk together in a sauce pan over low heat or microwave a minute, mixing until combined (helps melt the almond butter) 

When the meat is fully cooked, add 
1 onion, diced
3 T fresh ginger, grated
6 cloves garlic, minced

Cook until onion is translucent. 
the almond butter sauce and
Chopped water chestnuts

and cook another 2 minutes

Load up a butter lettuce leaf with the chicken (or over chopped lettuce for an easy to eat salad) and place some mung bean sprouts on it if you like them. 

My family loves this.  Its one we will have several times a month.  Ginger is healthy too. You can read an older blog post by me, to see some of the great health benefits of adding some ginger to your diet, here. 
